Monday, August 16, 2010

Solitude with God throughout the Ages

Old Testament Age:
“Guard you heart for it is the wellspring of your life.” Prov. 4:23

New Testament Age:
“Pay attention to what you hear (be careful of what you hear), the measure of what you give is the measure of what you get.” Mark 4:24

Completed Testament Age:
“For a person to polish his heart to the point that it becomes as clear as crystal, he absolutely must spend time in direct conversation with his heart. It will be a time of intense loneliness, but the moment that we become close to our hearts is the time of prayer and meditation. It is a time when we can take ownership over our hearts. When we isolate ourselves from the noise around us and allow our thoughts to settle, we can see into the deepest parts of our hearts. It will take a lot of time and effort to go all the way down to where the heart has settled. I will not happen in a day.”

~ From As A Peace-Loving Citizen – Biography of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Mankind has always been seeking a closer relationship with its Creator. In the olden days, very few people could read and the bible wasn’t translated until the 15th century. Studying the word is only one way to get closer to God.  Religious people have always found a way to retreat into solitude to pray and meditate.

"Men and women begin to become great when they begin to take time quietly by themselves, when they begin to practice solitude."

~ Catherine Ponder, Author and Minister of the Unity Church ~

For most people it is very hard to sit still, with no sounds or activities around, just sitting and letting the mind go free. Author Brian Tracy suggests: to make it a habit to try it in sessions of 30-60 minutes. He argues to try it for any length of time (20-30 minutes) until you feel completely relaxed. Don’t have any food around, telephone, or even music, just stillness. He believes that any question or concern on your mind will come to the surface, like your subconscious mind will give up a deep seated emotion or secret. You will get solutions to your problems or just some great ideas to make your life more comfortable. Mr. Tracy assures that it works 100% of the time, with patience and practice. 

"We hear voices in solitude, we never hear in the hurry and turmoil of life; we receive counsels and comforts, we get under no other condition."

~ Amelia E. Barr, British American Novelist ~

With all of the modern devices and electronics it seems to get harder to find quietness. None-the-less, this quiet time can also be good to reduce stress and promote health. It seems like a double winner!

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