Monday, January 21, 2008


Last Spring, while gardening, I developed an excruciating pain in my right shoulder. On April 6, 2007, I stayed home, and went to the doctor. I started at my family doctor, whom I chose because she is open to alternative treatments. She treated me with ultra sound, electrodes, and massage, with an Infrared heat lamp shining on my shoulder. She suggested certain exercise for my shoulder and neck. Because of the pain, I started taken Celebrex. The whole time my right color bone was swollen.
I was home for about a month, because I was unable to work and started some inner work with emotional release. It’s called the 8-steps from the “Art of Emotional Transformation” It helped me to focus on the internal aspect of my recovery and I must have released about fifty different negative emotions during that time.
Eventually my doctor sent me to get x-ray and a MRI and sent me to an orthopedic doctor. The diagnosis was arthritis in the joints surrounding the collar bone. He gave me Hydrocodn for pain and suggested I should see a rheumatologist. The Rheumatologist couldn’t find anything new and told me that the collar bone was degenerating. We just had to watch it.
Then I went on my vacation in Germany. I had a wonderful time with my family and it was very relaxing. One morning I discovered that the swollen area around the collar bone felt very warm and showed puss in the center.
My mother suggested going to the emergency room to have a doctor look at it. The surgeon was very concerned and advised to cut it open. By evening I was admitted to the hospital and under full narcosis, they cut out the abscess.
I spent three days in the hospital, just in time to be released to go home. With a special attest from the doctor I was flying home with a vacuum sealed bottle, draining out the fluids from the wound.
The surgeon back here in the states didn’t appreciate the vacuum sealed wound. He had me change bandages every day twice or three times and keep it clean with Hydrogen Peroxide. Since the wound didn’t heal, the surgeon finally decided to cut out a remaining cyst. It was November by now. He gave me a round of antibiotics to prepare for the second surgery. I bravely submitted myself to all this, I just wanted to get rid of the wound.
Well, on the day before the surgery I developed a rash, which was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. The surgeon post-poned the surgery, since it wasn’t anything urgent. He gave me a prescription to counteract the allergic reaction, but I didn’t get it, since the next morning I could see that the rash was almost gone.
Instead, I went searching the internet for how to get rid of a cyst naturally.
Fortunately, I found Hannah Kroger’s website, and she had a remedy to dissolve the cyst.
I ordered the remedy “Cyst-Ease” and a booklet and within 15 days the wound closed all by itself while the cyst disappeared.
After 7 months finally the pain was gone, too. Now, I don’t have to take any medication for pain and can work again, lifting, and going on with my life.
I am so grateful that through this experience I learned to take more control of my life and responsibility for my body.

1 comment:

yusun said...

You never fail to inspire me mom. :) What a great idea, the blog I mean. I will read it everyday!