Monday, May 24, 2010

The Many Benefits of Kelp

We are all to eat more vegetables. Did you know that kelp is a sea vegetable? It grows in the ocean without being anchored to the seafloor. It is a type of seaweed which grows below the surface where it absorbs the nutrients and the energy from the sun to make it a source of abundant minerals and vitamins.

The Health Benefits of Kelp

Kelp uses photosynthesis to get its green or brown colors and is one of those little known wonder foods which contain protein, vitamin B9 + B12, choline, niacin, carotene, and more than 70 minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron) and trace minerals.

It is most commonly suggested to overcome iodine deficiencies. It promotes the body’s production of thyroid hormones, which are necessary to have a healthy metabolism.

Other benefits:
Kelp stimulates your immune system
Kelp helps fights cancer
Kelp helps prevent heart disease
Kelp encourages healthy liver function
Kelp aids in brain development
Kelp helps to prevent osteoporosis
Kelp helps to lower cholesterol levels
Kelp is good for joints which reduces arthritic pain
Kelp kills the Herpes virus which causes cold sores
Kelp is a natural energy booster
Kelp helps with digestion, flatulence and constipation
Kelp is good for fertility in both men and women
Kelp is used for dieting by burning excess fat
Kelp improves mental response
Kelp promotes healthy hair, nails and skin
Kelp supports the pituitary and thyroid glands (needed for brittle nails and hair growth)

All the sea vegetables are very popular in Oriental cooking and have found their way into our kitchens as well. Have you tried Sushi or Sashimi; or the many applications in soups and vegetables dishes? Known as wakami, nori or dulse,  they find their way into seaweed rolls or miso soup.

If you don’t have a taste for Japanese dishes, you can buy kelp powder, or tablets in the health food store.

If you don’t have a taste for Japanese dishes, you can buy kelp powder, or tablets in the health food store.

Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer
I have used liquid seaweed for years to grow my tomato plants organically. Mix a tablespoon with a gallon of water and poor over the leaves of the plant. The nutrients are absorbed and get washed off the next time it rains.